

1.I feel buddish when I check “風水” because that comes from buddish custom.

2.As I see the accident of islam, I am negative to islam. But I know everbody are not so that.
Islam has a rule that when you see a accident or fight, you should solve it.


I enjoyed the speech. when I stayed in England, I stayed with Franch gilr. But Her home country is Morocco and she is Islam. I heard about Islam from her, so the speech reminded me of her.

1.In my life, when I greet to someone who is first meeting for me, I bow and say “初めまして”
2. I don't touch one because I have not even have the custom like shaking hands.

Name and Address

1.Ms. Adriana Silva

2.Mr. Ben Coogan




6.Paca da Republica


Family Life

a. When do children usually leave home?

Some of peoplo leave thier home from 22 years old because of we usually start our job from that old.

b.How many people live in your home?

It is rather than no our home because everybody has own home.

c.Do you have a head of your home?

No, I don't. In my house my father has it, but sometime my mother has a stronger head than father's.

d.Who does the housewoker?
In my house everone has each house work, for example my father makes breakfast everday, mother makes dinner, brother washes bassroom evernight and I do laundry thires.

e. Who runs the family.
I don't know.

f.How many rooms do you have to sleep in?
I have one room. In the room, I sleep, read books and study.