
Expressing Feelings

I write for a long time.

Well, Today's topic is “Expressing Feeling”

First of all , first question is

“Are feelings emotions and facial expressions universal across borders, happy, sad, etc...?”

I think some of feelings are same each country. people become happy and people become sad. We have same feeling in ourselves.

Next question is

“Try to name as many feelings as possible in Japanese. Now write the English translation.”

喜び   have a fun 怒り get a angre 哀しみ sad
楽しみ enjoy 苦しみ hurt 憧れ fascinate
愛おしい love 美しい beauty 恐れ horrble
恥じらい shy

Last question is
“Are there any feeling in Japanese that cannot be translated into English?”

Yes, I think. Probably most of Japanese feel sad when we see flower (especially cherry) have dead. It's difficult to translate into English. We say in Japanese “儚い”